Are you having problems getting your LASR X 4-digit text message to your cell phone?
On September 1st, a new regulation was enacted, affecting messaging providers nationwide. It's called Application-to-person 10 Digit Local Calling, or "A2P 10DLC" for short.
This regulation requires ALL messaging providers to vet phone numbers manually, understand each text message's purpose, and register its use. Failure to do so may result in cell phone companies blocking these messages.
As you can imagine, this nationwide regulation has led to a significant backlog in the vetting process for ALL messaging providers and their customers, like LASR.
Our messaging provider has told us they estimated that this process for each company could take up to three weeks.

😀The good news is we have a solution in place. Many have chosen to receive their 4-digit validation code via email, and that is not impacted.
👍If you've previously opted to receive your 4-digit code via text message, we can help you transition to email validation.
Simply send us the email address you use to access your account at, and we'll manually make the change for you to receive your code at the email address.
Please ensure our server email address is not blocked or sent to your spam folder because once we make the change, the code will start showing up in your email.
Rest assured, once the messaging providers have validated our number use case, we will notify you, and you can once again receive your 4-digit codes via text message.
We appreciate your patience during this industry-wide change and are here to assist you every step of the way.
Thank you for being a valued LASR user.

Also, when you're ready, here are a few ways we can help--
Join our free community on Facebook at (The LASR Nation)
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