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When you train with LASR you knock out these common obstacles to practice.

Busy Schedules
Work, traffic, and other commitments make it tough to train regularly.

Limited Range Hours
Limited access to ranges makes training hard or involves all-day weekend commitments.

Cost of Ammo & Fees
Ammo & gear aren't cheap and add up quickly, making frequent practice expensive.
Do You Own a Gun Because You're A
Defender, Competitor, or Guardian of Lives?
At LASR, we understand the diverse roles and responsibilities that come with firearm ownership. Our solutions empower defenders, competitors, and guardians alike to hone their skills and achieve mastery in their craft.
Choose a category below and see how gun owners use LASR to train and practice!
Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones
Taking Your Skills to the Next Level
Serving, Protecting and Defending with Confidence
Perhaps you already have some training gear. Fantastic, see what you'll need to start training tonight!
Not sure where to start?
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